Minggu, September 28, 2008

Ironi Negeri Yang Subur

Indonesia dikenal sebagai negara yang memiliki sumber daya alam melimpah. Berbagai hasil bumi berupa rempah-rempah, teh, kopi, padi dan lain sebagainya ada di negeri ini. Bahkan di masa kolonial klasik, negeri-negeri Eropa tertarik untuk menjajah negeri ini karena tanahnya yang subur sehingga dapat menghasilkan berbagai hasil bumi yang dibutuhkan pasar Eropa kala itu. Di bumi yang subur ini juga tersimpan berbagai kekayaan alam berupa tambang galian. Gunung Emas di Irian Jaya meski telah ditambang puluhan tahun oleh PT. Freeport tetap saja belum habis. Karena kekayaan hasil tambangnya, Indonesia juga masih menjadi primadona kolonialisme modern yang dilakukan oleh berbagai kooperasi dari Eropa dan Amerika. Negeri yang subur ini sejak beratus-ratus tahun yang lalu dan sampai sekarang masih saja memberikan kemakmuran bagi negeri orang lain, tapi bukan untuk rakyatnya.

Semua orang merasakan keprihatinan yang sama, tetapi setiap orang juga memiliki cara pandang yang berbeda. Segelintir orang memanfaatkan keadaan ini untuk mengeruk keuntungan pribadi dan sebagian orang hanya bisa putus asa berharap datangnya perubahan. Jika kita mengaca pada kondisi Jepang, sejak kekalahan perang dunia ke-2 yang menjadikan sebagian besar tanah mereka terkontaminasi radiasi bom atom, banyak ibu-ibu yang melahirkan anaknya dalam keadaan cacat karena kontaminasi radiasi tersebut. Tapi justru negeri yang seperti inilah yang sekarang ini menjadi negara tersukses dalam sejarah dan siap menantang kedigdayaan Amerika dan Uni Eropa dalam ekonomi. Radiasi bom atom menjadikan mereka kuat dan menemukan inovasi cara penanaman hidroponik dan bonsai. Berbagai teknologi elektronik dan robot mereka ciptakan. Semangat membangun yang sangat luar biasa.

Indonesia juga mengalami kondisi yang sama, mengalami berbagai permasalahan dan tantangan hidup. Mungkin sama kerasnya dengan Jepang, tapi mengapa kita tidak bisa semaju Jepang? Kita mengalami krisis moneter, kita mengalami kelangkaan sumber energi, kita bahkan mengalami krisis di berbagai bidang, namun kenapa tidak muncul inovasi? Dimana peran para juara Olimpiade Matematika dan Fisika yang membanggakan itu? Inilah ironi negeri yang subur yang namanya sudah tenar sejak ratusan tahun yang lalu..

TrustSource Is The Best Product Guide

If we require some product, we can look for it easily in internet. But we soon will to confuse because there are a lot of product expressing they are which the best. We impossible to try all product that to look for the best. Hence best way is by asking to the people who have weared it. But often we nor have that friend can asked concerning products. This matter of course bewilder. For example, if we wish the searching product can prevent our habit for smoking, hence are many enlist product all express them are which the best. So also if we look for product can prevent hair loss, there are a lot of product offering x'self as product the bestness. This matter can very bewildering.

But now you not necessarily confuse again, because all muzziness you are replied in TrustSource, the best website of products guide. How this sites will help you ? They compile the list product rank. They also make review every product so that we can know excess every product. Trustsource compile rangk by giving the asterisk at the best product assumed. This star is given by start from 1 shall 5. Product with the many asterisk expressed as product the bestness. In this way we will not confuse to choose the best product to wear because we can choose based on review which they give. If we feel compatible we can do the order at the product. In giving this rangked, they entangle the visitor who visit this sites. visitors also able to give the comment for the product, so that we know excess and insuffiency product based on their confession which have used the products.

In TrustSource there are hair loss products guide provided for the man who already lost hair or want to prevent hair loss. They has hair loss products rangked and reviewed. In that rangked list, Provillus reside in the first rangk with value of 4 star and 80%. Under Provillus is also Procerin - 71%, Thymusil - 67%, Advecia - 67%, Nioxin - 75% and Rogaine - 61%. Here you also able to find Provillus reviews. In that review mentioned that Provillus aggressively seeds your scalp to create the optimum environment for new, healthy hairs. It supplies the proper nutrition required to bring damaged, dead hair follicles back to life. Have the healthy and fertile hair is desire each and everyone because owning the fertile hair and healthy is prides. Hair can take care of our authority before family and friends. The one matter you will not get if your head bald. If your head bald, hence you'd face looked to be joke and can be laughed at.

Trustsource also provide the best stop the smocking products. Each day new Stop Smoking products enter the market and advertise many beneficial claims. The products listed on Trust Source have been evaluated and compared for the claims they make. Finally, Trust Source makes it easy for you, "the consumer" to view which stop the smocking product gives the best all around benefits for your health and the best value. Enlist peringkat stop the smocking products this made by ex-smokers. Nicocure selected as the best stop the smocking products with 5 star. Then was also Nicotine Cure, Avprin, Habitrol, and NutraQuit. with many its product which is them review, have ever been correct if you visit this sites. According to me, there are no another sites can attend the information be like. So, come and visit this sites!

Kamis, September 25, 2008

Success Stories of Nouveau Riche

Real estate is the very promising business. Even require the big capital but advantage from real estate business also very big so that many of the people very wishing to be success in this business. But to be success is not easy to, you must have more advantage skills and knowledge regarding the real estate business. But you not necessarily afraid, now there are the popular real estate investment college, Nouveau Riche University. Their learning and training systems will advantage your skill to become success person in real estate business. From their site, they tell to us that Nouveau Riche University offers a wide variety of over 30 real estate investing and business related classes including short sales, wholesaling, fix & flip, business financial management, foreclosures, retirement plan investing, buying out of state deals and more.

They also provide success stories from collegiate students of Nouveau Riche University. Witness they become their efficacy evidence in educating and construct their students to be successful people in real estate business and investing. If you want to be one of them which have ever been successful, you have to join with Nouveau Riche. They will help you make your dreams come true. To be the great and successfull person in this business. Nouveau Riche University have assisted many people success by improving their ability and knowledge in real estate investing and business. And with that successfulness, your future not necessarily be frightened again. You'd have the happy family because financing no matter for you. Enjoy your success!

Minggu, September 14, 2008

Get Anime, Music and Video Collections From BangBangAnime.com

If we do survey what matter was at most in people searching when they use internet, hence i nam sure the result of survey that will give the answer that the matter is most searched for of people in internet is articles, anime, music and video. Article searched for because of owning the information can be made the reference for erudite writing or just for the information. But anime, music and video searched for because of becoming the entertainment amusement or just for fun. If you are including second group, which make internet as media look for the entertainment amusement and fun, hence I inform to you concerning sites providing the collection anime, music and video, that is BangBang Anime. All you looking for concerning music and video, specially anime you can find here.

Some very popular anime be like Bleach, Naturo and shakugan no shana exist here. you can add your collection of anime by doing download here. You'd be taken breath away with many of anime collections which they have. The anime where you don't get at the other anime sites you will get here. Moment you visit Bangbanganime.com, you'd impress with their design appearance are interesting. This matter also will make you'd feel balmy and prolonging here. Then you'd always wish to visit this sites again and again. Come on, visit this sites!

Lifelock.com Will Protect You From Identity Theft

At modern epoch be like now identity is very important things. Especially if that identity relate to successfulness of someone careers. What often happened is the happening of deception on behalf of the people we recognize so that we become credolous and fall victim to the deception. If someone come to us on behalf of our father which life far from us to require the money because of other sudden need or pain. He can fetch out our father identity so that we sure with that man truth, hence us easily give a number of funds to assist our father. But later we know actually our father is healthy and don't require the fund to something matter. We have come to the identity theft. That moment we regret because less neglectless, but regret is always come lates. We have lost the money that possibly very important for us and our family.

But this matter now can be avoided if we follow life lock programs owned by lifelock.com. They will work for you to protect your identity with their pledge program that is RD17 lifelock promo code. Lifelock.Com services acre the most advanced safest and easiest to use. They are best team in taking care of your identity secret, this proven that their service have been featured on CNN, CNBC and The Wall Street Journal. If you still hesitate with their service, LifeLock.com give 30 days free for you meaning business wished to take care of his identity from theft. In their website, they also provide Identity Theft Quiz. You also able to discover history of www.lifelock.com so that you can know how do reputation they are build up. By following program from LifeLock.com you'd accept some benefits covering : reduces junk mail, $ 1 million total service guarantee, request free credit reports, and reduced unsolicited credit card offers. Don't await any longer times, I very recommending this programs. There are not other offer which better than this services. Save your identity from theft of the identity can harm of you.

Kamis, September 11, 2008

Get Personal Loans from afsloansonline.com

Personal Loans is not simple problem. If we need the money for something we was often raise it at our family or close friends. We was shame if the others know that we have personal loans. Even we have never thinked that be in fact we can get personal loans without no one knows, that is by using the personal loan application from afsloansonline.com. Our proffering will be processed online swiftlyly and easy to. Yes, afsloansonline.com provide the unsecured personal loans service online. No chancely better from this. Even you have personal loans, but there no one else in your friend or family which know it so that you not necessarily lose of face.

Theo Walcott Cetak Hattrick Pertamanya untuk Inggris

Semalem ga bisa tidur, untung banyak laga kualifikasi Piala Dunia 2010. Permainan Inggris kemarin cantik dan Inggris menang 4-1 dari Kroasia. Akhirnya mereka lepas dari mimpi buruk selalu kalah dari Kroasia dalam dua tahun terakhir. Man of the Match pada laga ini adalah Theo Walcott, bocah belia yang mencetak tiga gol pada menit ke-26', 59', dan 63'. Satu gol lagi dicetak Rooney setelah menerima umpan matang dari Walcott. Ini adalah hari yang paling membahagiakan bagi Walcott. Permainan Inggris juga relatif bersih dengan hanya 1 kartu kuning untuk Heskey. Dengan kemenangan ini, Capello telah keluar dari tekanan psikologis karena Inggris selalu kalah dari Kroasia dalam masa kepelatihan McClaren.

Di laga lain, Guss Hiddink kembali menunjukkan kepiawaiannya dengan mengantarkan Rusia menang 2-1 atas Wales kemarin. Permainan menyerang kedua belah pihak menjadikan laga ini menarik untuk dinikmati. Yang cukup mengejutkan adalah laga Finlandia melawan Jerman. Finlandia sebagai tuan rumah bermain cukup baik. Meski pertandingan didominasi Jerman, namun justru Jerman hampir kalah jika Close tidak mencetak hattrick untuk menyamakan kedudukan. Menarik, dua laga siaran langsung yang keduanya menghadirkan hattrick. Jarang-jarang ada yang begini.

Rabu, September 10, 2008

Phentermin C IV 37.5 Diet Pills

For some people lessen of body weight is not easy. Even have followed many diet programs, heavy of body not go down, so that we feel hopelessly. But now you not necessarily sorrowful, there is new product which can used in conjunction with an overall diet plan to loge weight, Phentermin C IV 37.5. Usually buy phentermine is ilegal, but Phentermine™ C IV 37.5 needs no prescription and is legal to online order. This matter can happened because of : Phentermin'S Fast action formula, Suppresses appetite effectively, Helps cravings and blood sugar within normal levels, Helps in quicker & safer weight loss, Keeps you energized and makes you feel great, No known side-effects, and No jittery/queasy feeling. Don't worry to do the order, they will serve immediately your order.

Selasa, September 09, 2008

Mengatasi Bau Mulut Saat Puasa

Umat muslim di dunia, termasuk Indonesia, memasuki bulan penuh berkah yakni bulan Ramadan. Persiapan-persiapan untuk menjalankan ibadah puasa pun dilakukan. Mulai dari mempersiapkan perlengkapan ibadah, makanan manis seperti korma untuk berbuka, hingga kesiapan kesehatan bagi mereka yang memiliki riwayat penyakit. Salah satu bagian tubuh yang sering kali bermasalah saat berpuasa adalah mulut. Sering kali bau mulut seseorang di bulan Puasa menjadi masalah serius dalam hubungan komunikasi dengan orang lain.

”Wajar saja hal itu terjadi karena memang ada yang menyikat gigi setelah tidur usai sahur, ada juga yang tidak. Bau mulut memang tidak bisa terhindarkan,” ujar dokter gigi Hariani Agustiarini.

Sebagian orang biasanya menyempatkan diri untuk tidur beberapa saat sehabis sahur dan salat Subuh, sebelum berangkat kerja. Namun, hal ini kerap menimbulkan masalah ketika bangun. Banyak orang yang ragu-ragu untuk menyikat gigi mengingat masih dalam kondisi berpuasa. Mereka beranggapan bahwa menyikat gigi itu makruh.

”Kalau menurut saya, tetap saya sarankan untuk menyikat gigi bila tidur lagi setelah sahur. Karena seberapa lama pun kita tidur, proses pembusukan dalam gigi tetap berlangsung dan itu menimbulkan bau mulut,” kata Hariani.

Bakteri di dalam gigi sebenarnya terus melakukan proses pembusukan, terutama setelah makan dan kondisi tubuh tidak aktif atau tidur. Menyikat gigi sebelum tidur tidak menjamin sisa-sisa makanan yang ada di dalam gigi terbuang semuanya. Makanan yang tersisa inilah yang menjadi sumber makanan dari bakteri dalam gigi sehingga berpotensi menimbulkan bau. Tetapi, tingkat bau mulut seseorang tergantung dari kualitas mereka membersihkan gigi. Juga kondisi kesehatan seseorang. Orang yang menderita diabetes, misalnya, mulutnya akan tetap bau. Begitu juga yang menderita maag, bau mulut cepat keluar karena sensasi asam lambung yang cepat.

Untuk menjaga agar mulut tetap segar saat puasa dan tidak menimbulkan bau yang berlebih, makanan yang dikonsumsi saat sahur sebaiknya makanan yang tidak berpotensi tinggi menimbulkan bau, seperti pete atau goreng-gorengan. Makanan yang disarankan untuk sahur yaitu makanan tinggi serat seperti sayur dan buah. Bau mulut saat puasa terjadi karena kekeringan pada mulut akibat kurangnya cairan (saliva atau air ludah). Karena saliva berkurang, bakteri dalam mulut pun jadi lebih banyak sehingga muncul bau mulut. Bagaimana mencegahnya? Berikut tips mengatasi bau mulut selama puasa:

1. Hindari makanan yang berpotensi menimbulkan bau seperti bawang merah, bawang putih, petai, jengkol, durian, ikan, daging, juga berbagai produk susu.

2. Kurangi jumlah rokok yang diisap

3. Gosok gigi setelah sahur, berbuka puasa dan mau tidur. Gosok dengan cara yang benar agar gigi dan rongga mulut bersih dan tidak tersisa makanan

4. Untuk membersihkan sisa-sisa makanan di sela-sela gigi, gunakan benang gigi

5. Perbanyak konsumsi buah dan sayur

6. Kurangi konsumsi minuman berkafein

7. Bila menggunakan obat kumur, jangan berlebih karena akan menghilangkan kondisi flora normal yang dibutuhkan gigi.

Sumber : Kompas.com

Senin, September 08, 2008

Get Easy Loan from EZUnsecured.com for Your Business

If you will start small business and you find difficulties in capital, hence in a condition which be like you require is small business loans. You may not hesitate in taking decision, because if you don't, your business will never be started. you have to dare to take a few risks to start all this. Small business loan is the most wise choice to solve this problem. There are many services small busines loan in internet and you have to wise in choosing. I recommend to you EZUnsecured.com to assist your problem. They are the expert in small business financing with easy process making you feel balmy of their service. By getting of the capital to your business is hence expectation to get better competent life is not just dream anymore. Successfully its your business, your family and friends will give the high appreciation for you.

Kamis, September 04, 2008

AAACreditGuide.com Assist You To Repair Your Credit

On these days credit card is not simply life style, but is requirement for modern society to support all activities in his life everyday. All needs of person and business, start from defraying tour of duty, serve the client, expense of birth the baby, daily requirement expense or have the day off with beloved family can use the credit card. Reach broadness benefit of credit card make many people apply the credit card, some among they don't thought fit concerning requirement of this credit card so that their credit have a problem. They owe bigger than what do they could pay for.

If you face the condition be like this, you stress because your credit have problem and you feel there no way out. you wrong, each problem have the answer, and for your credit that having problem, repair your credit constructively from AAAcreditGuide.com. Because the condition of someone problem have the character of unique and differ from the others, hence required the good steps to finish the problem of your credit. AAACreditGuide.COM as credit repair service give the best solution, obtain a copy of of your credit reports from the 3 fortunate credit reporting agencies, also known ace credit bureaus. You will also need to know what your credit scores acre. In this way you'd know whether your credit still can repair or not. If have cannot to repair again better be deleted.

AAACreditGuide.COM make the point how to remove charge offs from your credit report. Charge offs acre usually sent to collection agencies and handled by debt collectors. And based on the experience, if credit problem handled by debt collectors, is oftentimes accompanied by some matters have the character of the hearting physical. Not rarely they bill for by terror to you. Most of all people do not want to relate to debt collectors. Therefore the best thing you can do is remove charge offs from your credit report

Selasa, September 02, 2008

Free DoFollow Backlink Dari Blog PR3

Tinggalkan komentar, dan anda akan mendapatkan backlink gratis blog PR3 karena blog ini telah mengikuti gerakan do follow yang memberikan backlink pada pengunjung yang meninggalkan komentar. Walau sebenarnya saya juga ga terlalu paham ama dofollow itu. Bahkan kalau saya baca di blognya mas Duit Gratisan, ada alasan yang cukup logis untuk tidak masang dofollow. Tapi kenapa ambil pusing, karena blog ini adalah blog personal sehingga menjadi kebanggaan kalau banyak yang berkunjung. Karena saya masih belum yakin hanya mengandalkan pada kualitas tulisan, lah masih belajar. Tulisan masih pada belepotan dan update kurang rutin. Mungkin inilah balasan yang setimpal bagi para pengunjung blog ini. Ayo siapa yang mau duluan...

Images taken from http://www.milienzo.com