Minggu, Mei 17, 2009

Make Money Online : Text Link Advertising

Satu alasan terbesar para blogger membuat blog di blogspot adalah make money online atau money making. Ya, prospek colecting money dari internet tidak kecil. Banyak blogger yang bisa mengumpulkan jutaan rupiah dari make money online. Ada banyak cara untuk mendapatkan income online dari internet, mulai dari paid click, paid post, sell text link blogroll, text link ads, text ad, text link advertiseng, linkword, linkpost, blogpost, dan masih banyak lagi. Tapi untuk bisa sukses kita harus paham betul tentang internet marketing atau online advertising, karena di luar sana banyak juga orang jahat dan penipu yang merambah dunia make money online.

Dari berbagai cara make money online from our blog, ada dua yang paling besar prospeknya, yaitu paid post atau biasa juga disebut dengan paid blogging, monetize blog, LinkPost, blogpost, paid review, content advertising. Yang kedua adalah Link Advertising atau biasa disebut dengan text ad, text link ads, link ad, linkword, text advertising, link advertising. Kita bisa dapat ratusan dolar dari kedua paid program itu.

Get Paid Blogging - Make Money Online

Many people look to the Internet in order to make additional money, either to supplement their existing income or to replace it. Although there are many different ways of making money on the Internet, blogging is one of the easiest to start and to maintain for the long term. You might be surprised with exactly how easy it is to set up one of these small websites and to begin to get paid blogging. As a matter of fact, with the proper guide in your hand you can often have one of these moneymaking blogs set up within just a few hours.

The key of how to get paid blogging is actually having everything set up properly from the very start. Although it is possible for you to stumble your way to success in some cases, it is going to cost you a lot of time and perhaps even money along the way. By having a system set up which automates almost everything for you, you will have a much better opportunity of finding your success quickly. Of course, there is a little bit more involved than just setting up a blog in order to make money. In order for you to get started, you need to know where to begin.

One of the things that many people who are interested in finding a way to get paid blogging stuggle with is the subject matter which they are going to discuss. Internet marketers who talk to you about the importance of blogging about something that you understand fail to give you one specific point that you need to know. That is, you must focus on one particular subject per blog and not simply talk about random information that pops into your head. People who find your blog because they are interested in the subject matter will return regularly, providing you with many more income opportunities. The importance of focusing on one subject as a result of this becomes very clear.

In order to get paid blogging, you are also going to need advertising on your blog website. There are several different ways in which you can get this advertising which include contextual advertising, such as Google Adsense and affiliate programs. By targeting your advertising to be of interest to people who are visiting your blog regularly, you will have the best opportunity of making money and perhaps even making a living.

Source : http://highratereturn.com

Make Money Online Trading

There are many ways to make money online. One way is by taking full advantage of the make money online trading niche. You might be asking yourself, “what is this niche and how can money be made from it online?” Well, if you know me, then you know that I always come in at oblique angles and so the information in this post might not be what you’re expecting to read.

When you think about making money online by trading, I am sure that you may be thinking about day trading, investing into stocks and bonds, and things like that. That isn’t what I am doing to tell you in the post. Instead, I want to show you how you can take full advantage of the popularity and money found within this niche.

The idea is very simple and it could be easily executed assuming that you do everything I suggest in this post. Like everything I do, it all ties into creating a WordPress blog. Why? Well, simple… WordPress is an awesome program! It is easy to install, simple to design, and with a few minor tweaks and a few plugins installed, it becomes very search engine friendly. The idea behind the make money online trading niche is to create a blog that submerges within the niche. You don’t have to become a day trader to make money online trading, all you have to do is create a micro niche blog and seat the blog within.
How Do I Start?

To begin the process, you’re going to need to purchase a very good domain name. Luckily, because we are dealing with such a specific niche topic, finding a domain name shouldn’t be too difficult. Below is a screen shot of domain names that I found available in less than five minutes. You can check to see if these names are still available. Over time I am sure they will get registered. These are all good names, but quite a few are actually an instant investment.

Source : http://www.garryconn.com/

Sabtu, Mei 02, 2009

Bukti Kebesaran Allah dalam Flu Babi

Dalam hukum Islam, babi adalah salah satu makanan yang diharamkan oleh Allah. Selama ini, (setidaknya menurut saya) alasan babi diharamkan oleh Allah adalah karena faktor kesehatan. Dari penjelasan guru agama yang pernah ngajar saya, babi itu hidupnya jorok di kubangan lumpur yang bisa berbahaya bagi kesehatan. Dalam daging babi terdapat cacing pita yang tidak bisa mati meski babinya telah dimasak matang. Cacing ini baru bisa mati jika dipanaskan dalam suku 2000 derajat Fahrenheit, atau setelah daging babi itu berubah menjadi arang. Tapi menurut saya, penjelasan ini sebenarnya tekanan lebih merangsang rasa jijik kita pada babi, karena itu banyak orang yang mengabaikan nilai kesehatan makan babi.

Tapi dengan adanya flu babi, Allah memaksa semua ilmuwan, scientist dan ahli kesehatan berpikir ulang tentang nilai kesehatan babi. Dari sekian banyak hewan, hanya tubuh babi yang bisa menjadi "reaktor" bagi berbagai virus flu yang berbahaya. Hasil dari penggabungan dan kombinasi virus-virus flu itu adalah jenis virus baru. Hal ini tidak bisa terjadi pada hewan lain.

Subahanallah... Maha Besar Engkau Ya Allah..

Great Holidays in Dubai

Not long anymore holidays school will be come, each and everyone have the different plan with their holiday. School holiday is the most is most pleasant moment for everyone, because we can visit the places we take a fancy to. Pay a visit to grandmother house in countryside, go to recreation place or visit the towns we have never visited. If you plan wish to pay a visit to the towns you have never visited, I suggest to you to visit the Dubai town. Possibly you surprised with my suggestion, but HOLIDAYS IN DUBAI is not bad idea. You surprised because not yet known the complete information. Please, continuely to read.

To plan your Dubai Holidays, you not necessarily go far to Dubai to do reservation, because this matter can be done online. Variously the information you require concerning HOLIDAYS DUBAI can read in www.dubai.letsgo2.com. This website have owned the online network with entire hotel and the travel in Dubai. The hotel ratings in this website is the result of their own experiences, so that accurate surely.

If you still not yet sure with the article in this website, you can see images taken room and hotel directly from the genuiness place. So that with seeing that images you can feel be like hotel direct vision and the room to. Even this website also give Passport Advice Line services where are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. I think, this is the moment you should feel the beauty of Dubai. If you interest please call 020 8329 2720.